Helping more people complete
apprenticeship training

Ontario must train more people for the skilled trades. Important sectors such as manufacturing, mining, construction and many others need greater numbers of highly skilled people.

To help address this, it is time to reform the apprenticeship system.

It is difficult to become an apprentice in Ontario. There is no clear route into apprenticeship training and people seeking to become apprentices often struggle to find willing employers. Even people who get into apprenticeship programs can face barriers that prevent them from completing their training.

The apprenticeship system can be improved. For example, colleges – rather than government – should play a greater role in administering apprenticeship training at colleges. Pre-apprenticeship and co-op programs at colleges should be expanded.

Colleges should also be allowed to award a provincial credential to students who complete their in-class training. This will support students who may wish to pursue further post-secondary education.

Strengthen the role of colleges in apprenticeship training to produce more tradespeople.